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Message-based Microservices Architecture

Figure 1.0 Microservices Architecture for Message-based Systems.

This is a generic Microservices Architecture that is useful for Event or Message-Based Systems that need to collect, monitor, control, and share data in a centralized location such as the Command and Control Center in the military, Airline Controller and Operations Center, Train/Bus Operations Center, or any type of business that has various heterogeneous/disparate systems that need to share information between them and/or need a centralized place to control, analyze, and process the information. 

The Input or Upstream systems provide various data to the Pull Microservices.  The Pull Microservices do the validation check, conversion, business processing, and then persist into Cassandra database keyspace. Some services may also forward data to the Delegate Microservices.

The Pull Microservices read data from the Cassandra database and forward to the Output or Downstream Systems. Some Microservices also read, process, and store data into Big Data Hadoop for the Artificial Intelligence System to process.

Other external interactive systems invoke microservices to get and process data.